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About: About

I'm generally not one for oversharing on the internet, I mean, we all saw that episode of Criminal Minds, right? But, I suppose a few relevant details won't hurt too much...right? 


As I'm sure you've guessed, my name is Jessica, but my family and friends call me Jess. I love to read fantasy novels and I'm borderline obsessed with my two cats.  My family moved round a lot growing up so by the time I went to college the longest I had ever lived in one place was 5 years. And as an introvert in the truest sense of the term, I HATED moving. Making new friends, getting to know a new town, living in new house, finding a new routine...well, it's an introvert's worst nightmare. 


Now you might be asking yourself...WHY would I choose to share this particular fact on a travel blog? Shouldn't I be telling you all about how much I love the unknown and meeting new people? Here's the thing...I'm all about honesty. For better or worse. This blog will have good stories, cringe-worthy encounters, unflattering photos, great advice (I'm a little biased, obviously), and everything in between. I'm not looking to ease all of your travel worries, nor boastfully showcase my travels in a self-serving way. I'm simply a girl who wants to go on a few adventures, and maybe help a few others who are planning adventures of their own. Whether you find this blog helpful or not, hopefully you will leave with a few laughs for your time.    

The cliffs of Cabo Rojo in Puerto Rico

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"I Have An Insane Desire to be Where I'm Not"

Now that introductions are out of the way, it's time for everything travel! Although my family moved around a lot growing up, we were also lucky enough to be able to travel. The first time I left the country, I was barely out of diapers. We took a family vacation to the incredibly blue waters of Paradise Island, Bahamas. It was to be the first of nearly a dozen trips there over the years. Needless to say, visiting the Bahamas often, and at such an early age, definitely made me a little spoiled. And it turns out I wasn't content to limit my travels to just the Caribbean...I wanted more. 


In high school, my senior class took a trip to Italy. We were only there for one week, but for me, it was a game-changing trip. My first taste, as a barely qualified adult, of the wide world and what it had to offer. I knew then I always wanted traveling to be a part of my life. A few months after I got back from Italy, I spent two weeks in Peru. It was a volunteer trip, so I spent the majority of my time in the heart of the Andes Mountains, often in areas above 10,000ft. I assisted with the vaccinations of local farm animals and helped distribute care packages to the villages we traveled to. It was a totally different experience abroad when compared to the ultra structured and tourist-centric trip to Italy I had just come back from. Looking back, it is hard to say which trip I enjoyed more.


St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czech Republic

As I settled into life as a college student, I decided I was going to make studying abroad a priority. So, in the spring of my junior year, I spent five months studying at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. It was definitely as frustrating as it was amazing. It was during my time in Prague that I learned about homesickness, loneliness, and the stereotypes - both good and bad - that Americans are confronted with overseas. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED my time in Prague, but this blog is all about honesty, remember?


I also learned that over time, all the bad experiences and feelings tend to fade, and you are left with only the memories of an unforgettable adventure.  While studying in Prague I also had the opportunity to travel to cities in Germany, England, Austria, Slovakia, Poland and the Netherlands. Each new city I visited was like opening a door to a room I've never been inside of before. There's curiosity and a little trepidation, and it takes no time at all for that feeling to get addicting.


After college, I began working as a zookeeper, and had to take a break from traveling for a few years, since I was a recent graduate and money was tight. I managed to squeeze in trips to Greece and Puerto Rico over the years, but it never felt like enough.


I absolutely loved working with animals, and over the years more than one of them has stolen a piece of my heart from me. Walking away from almost 10 years of unforgettable memories and experiences was not a decision I made lightly. But, it was time for a change. And in that change, I took the opportunity to return to something that has never stopped whispering in my ear. I have always harbored this fantasy about living overseas, surrounded by new sights and sounds everyday, living a simple yet contented life. 


It was finally time to make that fantasy a reality.


Tange. Some animals you never forget.

About: Section Title

The Current Adventure

So, for the next year I will be living and working as an English teacher in Daegu, South Korea. I am terrified but also cautiously optimistic. It's going to be a year chalked full of embarrassing faux pas, new food to discover, amazing adventures, and, hopefully, many new friends. And so, I invite you to come with me as I make my way in a new country, one day at a time. It's time to unravel the unknown mysteries of the world...with more than a few laughs along the way!

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